Introduction and Motivation

The pages in this section are meant as study help for an amateur radio licence. As far as I know (and I may be wrong here) there is no easy way to study for a licence really close to the syllabus of the ACMA. 

You get various approaches in providing study material, but for what I have seen, none of that is closely related and ordered to the syllabus document of the ACMA. 

There are two objectives in studying for the licence: 

1) Making yourself familiar with all the technical details and regulations to safely operate a ham radio station and

2) Simply pass the tests.

I am personally not a friend of a class room, lectures or video presentations. I consider them inefficient and slow for my type of learning. 

I like to browse the subject area quickly, read up on some detail when I need to, which is much quicker than listening to someone presenting, and jumping backwards and forwards between different sections for the sake of better recall. One may already know a lot about the subject and does not need an in depth study, only a quick refresher. Learning is more individual this way, but not necessarily for everyone.

Since the advanced licence study covers a lot of ground, it is essential to concentrate on the essential knowledge for the exam and not all the nice, or important,  to know things beyond the mere essentials. All other licences require only a subset of information. The corresponding syllabus of the required licence type can be downloaded from the ACMA website and used along side this study material. I do not intend to implement specific versions for the other licences. 

I also consider this material as a helpful refresher once you have your licence for some time and have forgotten some of the detail. It might be helpful to go through again once in a while to stay on top of your obligations as a licensee. 

This is the reason I structured the information the way I did. The ACMA syllabus document for an advanced licence version 1.6.4 is used as a structure and for each section, the relevant detail is added in a expandable/collapsable section, which can be opened on demand. Staying close to the structure of the syllabus document makes it easier to get a feel for the subject area and supports a better recall during an exam, at least in my opinion.

However, despite all efforts to make this as complete and precise as possible, it may have some gaps of information  or may contain errors.

Disclaimer: I do not take responsibility in case any errors or missing information lead to your failure in an exam.  This is solely the responsibility of the student. There is still some learning required and passing the exam is not automatic after going through this study material. 

The material is structured in main sections which can be called from the pull down menu in the main navigation bar at the top of this page. Use the +/- symbols with the gray circle on the right of each header to expand/collapse each subsection.

Good luck
73's VK6GMD